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35+ Famous Trust Quotes

Firm believe, or faith on some one is known as trust. It builds relationships. having faith on your beloved one should be prior to all things for a happy life. Survival of relations without trust is not possible. By winning trust of some one you can win his heart. but that’s not so easy to win the trust of some one as there is a famous quote, “It takes years to win hearts and trust of some body, but it takes seconds in breaking them”.Trust is like an unseen  bond between relations. that is hard to break if trust still exists between relations. Every One need a person, a friend with whom he can share his secrets. that can help him in a time of difficulty. but it takes time to judge a person, to make a person trust worthy. And that person should have some abilities to keep secrets and help a person in a difficult time. Selfishness can ruin all relations around a person. No one want a selfish relation or friend in his life.
Having Faith or Trust in God is the most important thing for every human being. In every time of difficulty, One should trust on God. That He will turn that difficult time from you. In Case of Injustice trust God that he will provide you justice and Believe that He Listens your prayers and He is the Only One who can help you.Realizing the importance of trust I have decided to combine some famous and heart touching love quotes in this post. Hope you Will like this post and leave your feedback at the end of this post. Also visit Beautiful Wallpapers

Broken Vase

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Broken Heart

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 Never Trust Words

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 Self Reliance

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  Trust Can’t be Repaired

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Broken Mirror

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 Don’t Trust Easily

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Most Damaging Aspect

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 Without Trust

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  Good Judgement

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Few Delights

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 Trust in Lord

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 Humphery Quote

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 Trust And Love

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 Best Proof Of Love

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 Trust Your Lover

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 True Friend

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 Trust Yourself

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 A Little Trust

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 Self Trust

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 Friendship And Relationship

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 Trust Dreams

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 Love All But Trust Few

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 Be Carefull

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 Sorry Means Nothing

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 Love Without Trust

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 Trust Takes Time

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trust quotes
Post Tagslife quotesquotes about trustquotes on trusttrusttrust quotes