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Top 10 commonest Supplements with their Disadvantages

Whenever a person fells ill, he gets himself checked by the doctor and uses different medicines. But supplements are the alternates of medicines which are taken even by healthy individuals. There are different forms of supplements we, nowadays, make use of such as food supplement, obesity controllers, sleeping pills and pimple-controllers. More than the benefits we are likely to have from these supplements, they create different health complications. This is why the medical professionals and health experts forbade their excessive and regular use. The following top 10 supplements with their disadvantages are, in no way, going to benefit us so we need to avoid their usage.

10. Metabolism Optimizer:

This is a sort of food supplement which energizes the human metabolism. Usually the boys and girls with weak bodies and functionally abnormalities intake this supplement, but unfortunately it impacts their immune and metabolic system negatively, so the doctors have forbade to use it.

9. Dietary Supplement:

Various forms of dietary supplements are used, nowadays, to help the stomach work properly and function effectively. These supplements provide lots of nutrients and calories to our bodies, but the healthcare professionals say that such an instant intake of too much calories can be the reason of heart attack or veins’ blockage.

8. Muscles Combat Powder:

The men and young boys, habitual of bodybuilding, extensively use muscles combat powder. It strengthens their body and muscles, but unfortunately also becomes the cause of obesity and heart complications. Muscles combat powder is harmful for the digestive system as well.

7. Quest Nutrition:

Quest Nutrition is a supplement providing our bodies with instant nutrients. It is especially recommended to weak individuals or those who are facing the problem of malnutrition. The researchers have proved that quest nutrition is bad for our immune, digestive and nervous systems’ normal functionality so shouldn’t be used.

6. Gaba Appetite Relaxer:

Sometimes when we take-in oily or fatty diets, our stomach’s HCL starts creating problem. This results in severe stomach acidity and to overcome it appetite relaxer is a supplement of our choice. But it destroys the normal structure of stomach and is said to be harmful for our immune system as well.

5. Fish Oil Softgels:

Fish Oil Softgels are a rich source of nutrients. These softgels are widely used by the people living in cold areas as these keep their blood circulation normal and their bodies warm. Unluckily, fish oil softgels reduce the number of red blood cells in our bodies and weakens our immunity level.

4. BSN Breast Enlarger:

A breast enlargement supplement is used by the ladies with dull and boring breast shapes. BSN breast enlarger is every woman’s favorite in Europe and America, but this supplement’s regular use becomes the cause of breast cancer.

3. Priori Skin Supplement:

The girls and women always remain conscious about their skincare. Different kinds of supplements and cosmetics are there in the market to help them get rid of pimples, dark circles and other skin problems. Priori skin supplement is a sort of capsules which are intaken to have glowing skin. But this supplement, instead of benefiting you, damages the skin cells and harms the natural texture so need to be avoided.

2. ProMera Pregnancy Energizer:

The pregnant women, sometimes feel weak and tired, for them medicines and ProMera like food supplements are recommended. It has so many serious drawbacks that you shouldn’t even think of having a single ProMera capsule during your pregnancy, such as it increases your blood circulation leading you and the unborn baby have high BP and diabetes like problems. Also with ProMera you will have greater chances to give birth to abnormal baby, so forget to have it.

1. Guarana Caffeine Energizer:

The caffeine energizer is a rich source of proteins and vitamins, so the people with malnutrition or weak bodies love to intake it excessively. The doctors don’t prescribe such a supplement because they say that Guarana caffeine energizer increases the risks of circulatory system problems and damages the brain veins, leading us to have serious health complications.