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Top 10 Health Disadvantages of Social Media

It seems that social media has become a must part of our lives. I must say many of us cannot even digest their foods until we have surfed the facebook pages, tweeted some posts or got RS feeds everyday. It won’t be wrong to say that social networking websites (facebook, twitter, linked-in, google+, RSS etc.) have become our necessities. Some people use these sites for personal reasons while others get benefits from the social networks in their businesses. Whatsoever your reason might be to use the social networks, but their severe use is health-threatening. Here are top 10 health disadvantages of social media in 2014 for you to have a look at so that you can change your social media habits and remain healthy for a lifetime.

10. Eye-sight Complications:

Social Media
The doctors suggest the people with weak eye-sights to not use social networking websites. This is due to the reason that the more we sit before our computers, surfing these networks the higher are our chances to loss the stamina and power of the eyes as the harmful rays of computer systems drastically effect the eyes’ retina.

9. Obesity:

Social Media
This is absolutely true that the social media users live lazy and odd lives, what they do is just sit before their systems throughout the day and keep on chatting with friends or posting their comments, pictures and other materials. This ultimately results in increased weight and they become obese. So before you become one of those individuals, keep a proper check and balance over your social media habits.

8. Severe Neck Pain:

Social Media
Your neck also needs rests as your other body parts. If you will keep it stuck throughout the day then how will its muscles remain healthy, that’s quite impossible. The social media users have greater chances to suffer from severe neck pain.

7. Spinal Injuries:

Social Media
Your spinal cord has a direct connection with the neck and brain muscles and veins. When you won’t quit your social networking habits, the chances for you to have serious spinal injuries will tremendously arise.

6. Back pain and Hip Complications:

Social Media
Usually sitting onto the chair for many hours and keep on using the internet or social networking websites would become the reason of back pain and hip complications. The men and women, habitual of these sites should seriously think of changing their sitting their positions so that the chances of back and hip pain can be reduced to much extent.

5. Weakness of Muscles:

Social Media
Our body parts especially the muscles only can remain healthy if they will keep on moving. When you walk or do exercise, you strengthens your muscles, in the same way when you do nothing and spend the whole time with social media then the muscles get weakened and stop functioning properly.

4. Systolic and Diastolic BP:

Social Media
Systolic and diastolic are the two different conditions of blood pressure which are said to be appearing in the social media habituals. Some people name them as high BP and low BP.

3. Diabetes:

Social Media
Diabetes is said to be a problem arises in the people with lazy and boring lives, who don’t love to spend time in exercising. Becoming a social media habitual means you will have greater chances to get diabetic.

2. Cancer:

Social Media
Cancer usually arises in the over-weight people. Their cells keep on growing uncontrollably and as a result the cancer cells start taking place of healthy cells. If you are a social media lover, then soon a time might come for you to become obese and ultimately will become the reason of cancer.

1. Joints pain:

Social Media
The joints pain is truly a life-killing health complication. Isn’t it? Yes definitely, and let me tell you that the social network habituals have brighter chances of having joints pain as they don’t bother their joints move here and there for the purpose of functioning properly.