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Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in 2015

It is unbelievable to say that there is no part of this planet earth which is in complete peace and harmony. The human beings have been the reason to create disturbance and issues in all parts of the world. The wars, internal issues, crimes and terrorism like threats have made our lives like hell. Here is the list of top 10 most dangerous cities in 2014 which are the serious victims of internal and external threats and crimes.

10. Chicago:

This USA city is getting seriously violated everyday. The street crimes, accidents and killings of the people have made it tough for the people to carry on their normal routines of the days. Although the measures have been taken by the government side but all seems to be in vain.

9. Caracas:

Caracas is a city of Venuzuela where the rape and killing cases have increased in their number. Every week more than 100 women from different parts of the city are kidnapped, raped and killed. Also the city is under serious terrorism threat.

8. Florida:

The peace of this Unted States’ city has gone since a long. Florida remains under serious threats of smuggling and terrorism. Even some parts of Florida are considered as the towns of terrorists.

7. Cape Town:

Cape Town is the hub of tourists who love to spend their holidays in South Africa. If on one hand Cape Town is a land of beauties and gorgeous monuments then on the other hand its defense rate has decreased tremendously. The international tourists are especially under serious terrorism threats thus the government needs to take measures of protecting its international guests.

6. Mumbai:

Mumbai is a highly populated city of India and one of the most dangeous cities in the world. We have had heard about different terrorist attacks and serious street crimes about this city. The unforgettable experience of the victims of those attacks is enough for the government to learn lesson from.

5. Cuidad Juarez:

This city of Mexico has too many political issues which have turned it into a restless land. Cuidad Juarez is a populated city and the increasing rate of unemployment is yet another reason of crimes’ increment within the state.

4. Rio de Janeiro:

This Brazalian city is one of its biggest and most prominent lands, and ofcourse a city of terrorists. In Rio de Janeiro, a lot of cases of street crimes, killing, gang rapes etc. have been reported. Also the various political issues have been the reasons to take away the peace from this city.

3. Birmingham:

Birmingham is a city of United Kingdom a lot of international students move to seek admissions into their favorite colleges and universities. The rate of international students has increased tremendously since a decade in this city, who are considered the reason of increased restlessness of the city. They, according to the officials, are liable to follow the rules but they instead escape from their values and commit different crimes.

2. Distrito Central:

Distrito Central is one of the worst cities of Honduras in terms of its political and criminal issues. The increased rate of unemployment and crimes in this city are the two major reasons for the people to come onto the streets and raise their voices against the government every now and then.

1. London:

London is one of the biggest, developed and economically strong cities of the world. London is also the hub of educational institutions, so obviously here international students come in great number. But in addition to those innocent people, the local people are also highly involved into street crimes, violent attacks and smuggling cases.