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Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities of United States in 2014

It is true for us to say that United States is one of the strongest and powerful countries in the world. This country of 52 states, if on one hand is developed and progressed, then on the other hand is threatened with a lot of issues and problems. The current government seems to be taking serious measures to create a peaceful environment within the country. Here is the list of top 10 most dangerous cities of United States in 2014.

10. Ohio:

Ohio is a big and economically strong city, where almost all the people have jobs and good living standards. At the same time, Ohio is a city where terrorism and criminal crimes have taken a very serious form.

9. Los Angeles:

FBI’s serious measures and policies in Los Angeles have proven to be fruitful in making this city a peaceful land, but still it is not cent percent free of terrorists or criminals. The policies, however, have been made and applied strictly onto the people of Los Angeles and he who gets out of his limits, is arrested in no time.

8. Michigan:

Michigan is a country of beautiful gardens and enjoyable markets. The local people and international tourists love to wander into the streets to view the beauty of the city. The street kidnappers, according to a report, have made these individuals their hunts since a long. They are kidnapped and killed for ransom.

7. Indiana:

Although Indiana, to much extent, is kept free from terrorists but still it seems that this city of USA is not a completely peaceful land for the people. The increasing rate of road accidents and robberies has been the key factors to violent the situation of the city.

6. Missouri:

Missouri is a place for newly married couples to spend their time at. Those who come here to spend their holidays are kidnapped and killed by the criminals. What a bad impression this city is leaving on the international visitors, but unfortunately this city is under serious threat of crimes.

5. Washington:

Even in the presence of the great White House and other official buildings, Washington is not at all a peaceful city. You must remember the 9/11 attacks. That was not the end of the city’s restless reports but everyday the people here have to face the robberies and pocket snatching like problems.

4. New York:

New York is a city of huge population. The people of this city live busy and hectic lives. Those who are unemployed due to some reasons are committing robbery, rape and killing like crimes. The government, however, is very keen to control the criminal and terrorism attacks of the city and soon we can expect that the problems will be resolved.

3. Alabama:

More than New York, Alabama remains under serious criminal and terrorism threats. This city gives us daily a lot of killing, kidnapping and rape reports and unfortunately the measures are not that serious as they should be to control these issues.

2. Maryland:

Maryland is famous for its colleges and universities of internationally high standards. The students from all parts of the world move to Maryland on student visa for quenching their thirst of degrees and education. This innocent student community is being attacked by the terrorists. Sometimes even the smugglers make the students their victims and ask for ransom from the government.

1. California:
