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35+ Romantic Love Sayings

Word Love refers to the different heart feelings, emotion of strong feelings and deep attachment with a person. love can also be described as human affection and kindness. Our life is full of happiness, there are many people around us who love us and want love from us in return. Love is a natural feeling that attract people either they are unknown to each other or known. and create an emotional bond between them, a person can’t understand the reason of that attraction some times.  Even science couldn’d figure out the reason of this attraction. It brings happiness in man’s life as well as sorrows and sadness if someone is hurt by his / her lover. There are some different types of love that includes Love of parents for their children, Love of human for their life partners etc.
Parents love toward their children is the best example of love. that can be observed not only in human beings, but also Animals love their children and can do anything to protect them. Love sayings are very essential, and they help to represent inner heart feelings of a person. Love ends with life.  These love sayings also refers to love quotes. If you want to express your feelings to a person and can’t find out proper words to describe, for that purpose you may use these love quotes that provides you proper words to express feelings. In this post I am sharing some love sayings hope you will like them. Also visit our previous post William Shakespeare quotes.

Smallest Distance

love sayings

Don’t leave Something Good

love sayings

Love Reminds You

love sayings

 I’m Hurt

love sayings

 Powerful Medicine

love sayings

 I’m Not Perfect

love sayings

 You Mean Everything

love sayings

 Love n Laughter

love sayings


love sayings

 I’m In Love With

love sayings

No Matter

love sayings

 My Perfect Day

love sayings

 You Are Smile Of My Face

love sayings

 I don’t regret

love sayings

 I Never Asked From God

love sayings

 Every One has reason to wake Up

love sayings

 I get Jealous

love sayings

  Love Beyond Words

love sayings

  Something to hope For

love quotes

At the Touch Of Love

love quotes

 Love Doesn’t Begin

love quotes


love quotes

 Love is Life

love quotes

  A True Love Story

love quotes

  U & I

love quotes

Love You Forever

love quotes

 Every Step Of Life

love quotes

 Only One I Want


Love Me When I Need


 Love n Flames


 No Such Word as Loved


 I’m Jealous Of Every Girl


 One Word


 Never Lie


 Love Is …


 You Are In Love


 Never Give Up


 Follow Your Heart
