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Husband Installed Tracker In Her Wife’s Body,Wife claims husband Installed tracker in her body

LAHORE: A lady, irked by husband, claims that a tracker has been affixed in her body so that he can keep an eye on her movements, SAMAA reported. The woman, covering her face with a white veil, made the claim at Lahore’s Session Court where she filed an application against her husband. In her shocking assertions, the woman told media persons that her husband took her to a government hospital and got fixed a tracker with her body through a surgery. “He gets suspicious, always wants to keep an on me and wants to know wherever I go… This compelled me to file a complaint against him,” the lady claimed, evading many of the questions by reports and giving no proof to prove her claims. Her claim is yet to be verified by authorities. –VIA  SAMAA 

Husband Installed Tracker In Her Wife's Body by arynews

7 Simple things you can do to save the Earth

7 Simple things you can do to save the Earth
By: Sherry El-Kilany
1. Unplug any appliances you’re not using
It sounds very simple but its something we all forget to do. Some appliances, with their timers and start-up features, are constantly consuming small amounts of electricity when they’re left plugged into the wall.
2. Separate your garbage
Recycling is such an odd thing in the Middle East, especially in Egypt. But something as simple as having separate trash bins for your plastics, glass and regular waste will make the trash mans job much easier and save energy like you wouldn’t imagine
3. Shop with reusable grocery bags
In Europe and the U.S. when you go to the supermarket you’re often charged for each shopping bag you fill, so as economically consciousness beings people bring their own reusable bags. There you are saving money, trees and plastic waste.
4. Change your light bulbs
If every household in the United States replaced one regular light bulb with fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.
5. Plant a tree
Trees are good for the air, the land, they can shade your house and save on cooling (if you plant on the west side of your home) and they can also improve the value of your property.
6. Take a shorter shower
Every two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water.
7. Fly with an E-Ticket
Save a tree and use an E-Ticket. For all you jet setters out there, the cost of processing a paper ticket is approximately $10, while processing an e-ticket costs only $1. In the near future, e-tickets will be the only option, saving the airline industry $3 billion a year (and saving many trees in the process).

What does that even mean?

What does that even mean?
By: Cairoscene team
We "literally" "can't even" with these verbal trends. "Sorry, we're not sorry."
1. Don't Judge Me
This has probably been the most repeated line amongst pre-pubescent teens (and some overly-scandalous adults) when trying to justify their nightly debaucheries. But let’s take a second to consider what this statement even means, and exactly how infused with BS it really is. We pass judgements every second of every day. A good looking male or female walks into a club and we determine whether they tickle our fancy. A boy with a burnt face walks passed us in the street and we have instinctually winced at what is out of line with “convention.” When our parents ground us, we judge them. When our lovers leave us, they are bad people. In fact, when we ask that hilariously irrelevant question “where are you from?” we establish a judgment according to whatever answer we receive. Bottom line, spare us the line. If you don’t judge people, you don’t have a personality; and if you don’t have a personality, you’re really not justified in making normative statements. 
2. #sorryimnotsorry
We recognise it’s an internet trend, but for God's sake it really makes you wonder how people passed their SATS. Not to be the language police, but have you ever heard of something called “redundancy?” If you are not sorry, why can’t you just say #imnotsorry, or better yet, don’t say anything. If you really want to be ballsy, try considering the parallel reality where maybe, just MAYBE, people can judge (oh yes, we used the “J” word) for themselves whether or not you’re sorry. Oh and lastly, technically, “I am sorry I am not sorry” kind of cancels itself out… so indeed, what the hell does that even mean?
3. I can't even.
It’s a simmering summer’s day. –I can’t even.
The milk is expired! –I can’t even.
My work load is piling up! –I can’t even.
I’ve developed a zit! –I can’t even.
Lindsay’s in rehab again! –I can’t even.
It’s pretty self explanatory… you can’t even what?! What can’t you do? Unless someone is holding a jackhammer over your head, FINISH THE SENTENCE!
4. No offense, but...
We’ve all heard the ominous line that starts with “no offense, but…” that is usually followed by some back handed criticism about you. The reality is, you are fooling no one with such a lame attempt to frame the critique in a “non-offensive” manner. Stop kidding yourself, you’re definitely meaning to offend, and what’s worse, you know that what you’re about to say is in fact offensive. After all, why else would you begin the sentence that way?
5. Literally...
This term has been overused in the wrong context so many times, that we don’t even clock on to how the sentence “LITERALLY” translates in terms of meaning. Consider the following:
“I literally can’t stand it anymore!” (Unless you fell down on the floor and started having an epileptic fit as a result of whatever it was that upset you, you aren’t allowed to say something like this.)
So let’s just put it out there once and for all, “literally”, when placed before any sort of statement, means that what you’re about to say ACTUALLY happened; not in metaphor, not in manner of speech, but FOR REAL. So be sure to ask yourself before using the term; what does that even mean?

From burnt out to blissfully balanced in 7 easy steps

From burnt out to blissfully balanced in 7 easy steps
By: Kelly Lynn Adams
Whether your are focusing on your career, starting a family, building a business or simply just living your life day to day we can all experience burnout. The demands that we put on ourselves (and the demands of others) along with our fast paced, technology driven world can cause anyone to burnout quickly
“Women can have it all, but not all at the same time. Our life comes in segments, and we have to understand that we can have it all if we’re not trying to do it all at once.” Madeleine Albright
We can have it all, but not if we are trying to do it all at once – and especially not if you want to feel peaceful, stress free and in the flow.
Put these 7 steps into action, though, and you’ll go from burnout to blissfully balanced in no time!
1. Identify Your Top 3 Values. What do you value the most? Freedom, Creativity, Money, Time with Family & Friends, A Successful Business & Lifestyle? Identify and list out your top 3 values. This exercise will help you to decide what tasks you will need to spend more or less time on according to what you value in life.
2. Prioritize. Just the thought of trying to do it all is exhausting. The most important exercise we can do is to prioritize what we want to get done. First, take out a piece of paper and list out EVERYTHING that you want to get done in the next day, week or even in the next couple of months. Secondly, take a look at your top 3 values and start to prioritize what you want to get done according to what you value. This list should only contain 1-5 items at a time, any more than 5 items is just a really unrealistic to-do list that causes unnecessary stress. Finally, get to work on those items.
3. The Fiercely Focused Game. Whenever I need to get something done quick, I play a little game with myself. (Warning: this may cause you to be fiercely focused). I start off the game by picking one “thing” I want to get done. I think of a realistic time frame of when I would like to get this task done by. Then I start the task and see if I can get that task done quicker than my originally estimated end time. If I do get the task done quicker than my original estimated end time, I reward myself and celebrate!
4. Tune Out All Distractions. Shut off all technology. Stay off social media. Find a place where you will not be disturbed. Eliminate all distractions even if that means going somewhere quite or someplace that inspires you. This is extremely important.
5. Get Enough Rest. The most important self-care act that we can do is to listen to our bodies and not push ourselves. Burnout is mostly caused by ignoring our bodies, not eating the right foods, not moving our bodies and not getting enough sleep. The average person needs between 7-10 hours of sleep. When you sleep your body repairs itself. I challenge you to get an extra 1-2 hours of sleep each night and notice how you feel.
6. Have Fun & Experience Pleasure. At least once a day. Life is too short for all work and no play. Slowing down and taking the time to have fun and experience pleasure is absolutely essential for a successful lifestyle.
7. Healthy Eating & Movement. Everything we put into our bodies affects our mood, energy levels and the way we feel. Incorporating healthier eating habits and foods along with moving our bodies will help to increase our immune systems. When we have a healthier immune system it is more difficult to experience burnout. This week try eating a little bit healthier and moving your body and notice how you feel.

Top 10 tips to be a fantastic date

Top 10 tips to be a fantastic date
By: Dr. Pam Spurr
MSN's relationship expert Dr Pam Spurr helps you boost your dating form
To have a great date and make sure she wants to come back for more you need to take charge completely, use lots of lines and joke the whole way through the evening, right? Scratch that - dating should be so much easier than what you expect it to be.
Hot Date Tip No. 1: Be decisive
Ask what sort of food she likes, etc, and then book somewhere reflecting her tastes. It's a fantastic compromise where she guides your choice and you make a decision - and that's attractive.
Hot Date Tip No. 2: Spotlight on her
Turning the spotlight on her, by asking her questions about her life, gets the conversation flowing. Go by this rule - for every two or three questions you ask her throw in something about yourself. After a time you'll both find conversation flows naturally.
Hot Date Tip No. 3: Private and personal
Putting the spotlight on her isn't about asking personal and private questions. Think how you'd feel being asked about a very personal subject - she'll feel the same way despite many women loving deep and meaningful conversations. You can have 'deep and meaningful' without scarily intimate!
Hot Date Tip No. 4: Don't be a joker
If you're not a natural comedian - and I'm talking very funny - don't keep cracking jokes all evening. It's exhausting laughing at an unfunny man! Sweet, interested and genuine will win the day over lots of cheap jokes.
Hot Date Tip No. 5: Watch the self-deprecation
Yes, women love a man who can mock himself but it shouldn't be continual self-deprecation. Plant too many 'negatives' about yourself in her mind and it's extremely likely she'll go away with a negative opinion of you.
Hot Date Tip No. 6: Low-key flirting
A good flirt will be adored but when you can't tell the difference between flirtiness and sleaziness you're in trouble. She'll immediately judge you as someone not be taken seriously. So mind how much of your banter is about her looks [even if saying she's hot] etc.
Hot Date Tip No. 7: Insincerity is see-through
Many men buy into the myth that they've got pretend to be interested in, eg, her cat even if they're not cat lovers - not true! Of course you don't want to say you hate cats or her hobbies, etc, but you can keep those comments neutral. Enthuse about mutual interests you enjoy but don't fake the rest.
Hot Date Tip No. 8: 'Touch and go'
Let her take the lead on the majority of physical contact - like the natural way she might touch your forearm when she's making a point. Women feel far more secure around a man that isn't too tactile. Yes 'tactile' went out together is fantastic after a few dates when you've established mutual attraction.
Hot Date Tip No. 9: Don't play games
You might want to pretend you're out on dates all the time and you've got a string of women after your hot body. But rather than be impressed she's going to take that one of two ways: either you're big-headed or you're a player - both of which are turnoffs. Even if it's true be discreet about it.
Hot Date Tip No. 10: Cut the c**p
If you've had a good time let her know. Keep it simple - when saying  goodnight! say it's been fun and you'd like to do it again. Ask if she'd prefer you to call her or does she want to call you. Women love knowing when it's been a success. And if it hasn't been, walk her to her, eg, bus stop and after minor chit-chat about the restaurant, etc, say a simple 'goodbye and take care'. It's not better to say you'll be in touch - if she liked you she'll be angst-ridden waiting to hear from you.

Why women cheat and have affairs

Why women cheat and have affairs
By: Hugh Wilson
Women don't cheat for the same reasons as men. Here's why some women stray and what you can do.
We've yet to find out why Kristen Stewart cheated on R-Patz. But we do know that, while men still cheat more than women, the gap is closing. We also know that men and women often cheat for different reasons.
In fact, women rarely stray because they find someone better looking or more successful than the men they're with. In many cases it's what men do (or don't do) that drives their partners into the arms of other men.
Here are the mistakes men make that explain (though don't justify) why women cheat, so you can make sure you don't make them.
She's bored
She's not necessarily bored of you or even your sex life. But she is bored of her day-to-day existence, and that can make her more prone to seeking excitement elsewhere.
In her book Daring Wives, clinical psychologist Frances Cohen Praver describes a woman called Debra who seems to have it all.
She has a handsome, successful husband, a lovely home and plenty of free time. But "she feels trapped, bored, powerless, and lonely." Her husband is too busy trying to become even more successful to notice Debra's increasing despondency.
So when the chance arises, she has an affair, for the excitement and the break from her mundane day-to-day existence.
So what does a bored partner have to do with you? Well, nothing, if you're offering her all the support you can. Being in a relationship means being there for the bad times, and women with supportive partners are unlikely to be driven to desperate measures. But if you've ignored her pleas for help, or treat her problems as an irrelevance, she may start looking for excitement elsewhere.
She's getting revenge
You cheated on her, so she exacts revenge. This one's not rocket science. Don't cheat and don't get cheated on.
She's in crisis mode
When things are looking down, some women might respond by seeking the temporary high of illicit love making. Not consciously, perhaps, but a crisis point can leave women (as well as men) more psychologically open to the possibility of infidelity.
That crisis can be turning 30 or 40. It can be losing a good job or a major falling out with a best friend. Your job is to be there for her during those dark times, and to keep reassuring her about her worth, beauty, competence or whatever it might be. During crisis times you ignore her pain at your peril.
She can't reach you
It may be work, or family, or your football team (it shouldn't really be your football team) but your misery can be infectious. Some men respond to their own problems - even if they have nothing to do with the relationship - by withdrawing, emotionally, from their partners. Metaphorically they find a cave and creep inside.
Don't pull up the emotional drawbridge. Whatever the root cause, her inability to reach you and to help will make her think you have a problem with her and with your relationship. If it carries on too long, she may subconsciously start to regard infidelity not as cheating but as moving on, and preparing for the inevitable break-up your behaviour seems to foretell.
Instead, keep her informed. Keep letting her know how you feel. Keep her in the loop and she will keep thinking that she's a valuable part of your life.
She wants out
Some women - like some men - can be pretty cowardly, especially when it comes to breaking up. So she may avoid 'The Conversation' and have an affair instead. She may even want to set another relationship up before she leaves the present one, to avoid the heartache of being alone.
At this stage, there isn't much you can do, and given her behaviour, you might be happy to put this one down to experience. It might be worth musing on how you got to this unhappy point though, just to make sure it doesn't happen again in the future.
What should we take away from this?
The point of all this is that she's unlikely to cheat because she just can't resist that hunk at the bar, or she wants better intercourse, or somebody's just a bit smoother than you. If your relationship was serious, it's probably down to communication, and her sense - justified or not - that she is no longer your priority. If that's the case, there's plenty you can do to make sure infidelity never strikes at the heart of your relationship.

5 Things breakups are ‘Great’ for

5 Things breakups are ‘Great’ for
By: Scoop Team
Breakups suck, amiright? They’re also a great excuse to wild out and do a bunch of drastic things under the guise of “freedom” and “coping”. No, really, I’m fine.
1. “Breakups are a great excuse to redecorate“
Rearrange your room, especially your bed and your mirror. Then try not to feel empty when your own sleep sanctuary is completely unrecognizable.
2. “Breakups are a great excuse for a makeover“
Chop aaaallllll your hair off. Then smile politely when people tell you that your new haircut looks “pretty”. Schadenfreude is a dirty thing.
3. “Breakups are a great excuse to finally get fit“
As if the relationship was the reason for your fast food addiction and laziness. Harsh? Yea, so are breakups.
4. . “Breakups are a great excuse to travel“
Finally go on that trip you’ve been talking about for months. Block out those thoughts about how he or she “would have loved this place”.
5. “Breakups are a great excuse to reflect on your personal growth“
Think about all the lessons you’ve learned about how to love instead of all the ways you failed miserably… again. At least you’re getting better at relationships, right? …Right?!

Even if You’re Materialistic, Money May Not Buy You Happiness

Even if You’re Materialistic, Money May Not Buy You Happiness
People say "money can't buy you happiness," but if you spend it on life experiences instead of material goods, it often can. However, a recent study suggests that for more materialistic folks, no purchase out there can truly please them.P
The study, conducted at San Francisco State University, was aimed at material buyers and looked at two different types of purchase: material goods and experiences. The study found that those who tend to spend money on material items found no happiness in experiential purchases, because they didn't believe what they bought expressed their personality. That makes sense, as they prefer material goods, but the study found that the material buyers weren't happy with their material purchases either. The reason? They felt like others criticized them or looked down on their choice of picking an item over an experience. San Francisco State Professor of Psychology Ryan Howell explains:P
"I'm a baseball fan. If you tell me, 'Go spend money on a life experience,' and I buy tickets to a baseball game, that would be authentic to who I am, and it will probably make me happy. On the other hand, I'm not a big museum guy. If I bought tickets to an art museum, I would be spending money on a life experience that seems like it would be the right choice, but because it's not true to my personality, I'm not going to be any happier as a result."P
If money can buy you happiness, do it. It's ill-advised, though, to buy things to fit in with others. Howell recommends buying an experience that's directly in line with your personality. If you don't want to buy anything, buy your happiness by keeping your money.