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Top 10 Most Expensive Substances in the World

It has always been interesting for us to buy some expensive substances like gold, silver, and others. The purpose of these substances is to use in jewelry or we can just keep them home. You won’t believe but there are millions of people all over the world who are ready to do anything to get those substances because of their unique beauty and rarity. Let us see which are the top 10 most expensive substances in the world.

10. Gold – $100/gram

Pure gold is soft and it usually comes in alloyed form, which means gold is given not in pure but mixed form because of its extreme softness. The metals like silver, copper, platinum or palladium help increasing the strength of gold. This substance is used in making jewelry, decorative items, dental fillings and coins. Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and does not tarnish when exposed to air. Gold costs differently from nation to nation, but its international price is around $100/gram.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

9. Rhodium- $120/gram

William Hyde Wollaston discovered palladium. He was an English chemist. This substance is found rarely inside the earth, which is why it costs high to the buyers. The word Rhodium has come from the Greek word “red”, but there’s nothing red about it. This is a hard metal used in conductive materials.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

8. Methamphetamine – $200/gram

It is a synthetic stimulant. This is a highly powerful and addictive substance. It is known to affect negatively on human health, which is why this substance is avoided to be used in accessories and jewelry items. Its cost is around $200/gram.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

7. Heroin — $230/gram

Heroin is obtained from the processing of morphine, which comes from the poppy plant. Heroin usually has white and brown colors, and is used as a drug. This is a highly abused substance, but rapidly being taken by those who are addict to it and cannot live without it. This material also comes in the form of “black tar heroin.”
Most Expensive Substances in the World

6. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) $3,000/gram

Lysergic acid diethylamide, abbreviated LSD or LSD-25, is another expensive drug. It is used by those with strong mood as a mood-altering hallucinogen. The price of this substance varies from nation to nation, but due to its high demand it is sold at up to $3,000 per gram.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

5. Plutonium – $4,000/gram

Plutonium is a radioactive substance which is famous for its significance to generate nuclear power through nuclear fission — both in peacetime (via nuclear reactors) and in war (via atomic bombs). This is a highly dangerous element, and flammable.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

4. Taaffeite Stone – Up to $20,000/gram

The taaffeite gemstone (pronounced TAR-fight) is colored purple and red. It was first discovered in 1945. Count Edward Taaffe was the person who bought a set of spinels and found that something unique (the gemstone) is present in them. This substance is highly expensive and known for its unique beauty and attraction.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

3. Tritium – $30,000/gram

Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen. This is created naturally through cosmic rays, and synthetically in nuclear reactions. This substance is used in fusion reactors and neutron generators. Tritium is also useful for daily purposes like in chargeable batteries.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

2. Diamonds – $55,000/gram

The diamond is a highly expensive and beautiful element to be named here. It is a meta-stable allotrope of carbon. In it, the carbon atoms are arranged in different variations of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called ‘Diamond Lattice’. Diamond is a less stable substance and very delicate. It is found in both soft and strong forms.
Most Expensive Substances in the World

1. Antimatter – $6.25 Trillion/gram

Antimatter is composed of antiparticles. When the particles and antiparticles meet, there comes a large amount of energy released, which results in the formation of Antimatter. This element is highly expensive, and is made in batches that are measured by atoms.
Most Expensive Substances in the World