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10 Reasons Apple Will Control The Future Of Modern Technology

Fashion and advanced technology are the two gifts of this modern world. Today, people prefer to use such technological devices that are more up to date and give them a stylish look as well. While talking about modern and advanced technological gadgets, Apple comes as one of the most reliable and favorite brand. Apple is an American multinational brand, founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne that designs and sells computer software, consumer electronics, and personal computers. Apple is ranked as the world’s second-largest information technology company and the maker. The Mac line of computers, smartphone, the phone, the iPod media player, and the iPad tablets are the main specialties of Apple. It also serves you online with its latest apps like iCloud, iTunes Store, and App Store. Apple is well known in all over the world and people loves to buy this brand so, it is also consider as the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization as well. The rise of popularity of this brand gives you the idea about its demand. Here we have 10 Reasons Apple Will Control The Future Of Modern Technology. 10. Apple Provides The Best Smartphones
Apple Provides The Best Smartphones
The Apple Live Event starts with the arrival of world’s best IPhone series. Apple provides you the best range of smart phones. The most special and superlative product of this range includes, IPhone 6, the IPhone 6 Plus, and the Apple Watch. In fact, Apples dominates in market due to its promising and customer friendly standard. Apple provides you everything in one package and is going to be the King of mobile market in future. Although IPhone 6 has a 12-centimeter (4.7 in) screen, and the Samsung Galaxy S5′s screen has   13 centimeters (5.1 in) but still IPhone 6 has its own charm and top position in market.

9. It Is Rising Despite The Odds
Apple gives you the best and standard quality with its specific pricing strategy. We see a lot of Android and Microsoft phones around us but Apple have set its special criteria for price and it did not fall below the threshold set by other multinational companies. Interestingly, Apple still has the highest sale record. Despite having high price than other brands, people still prefer Apple due to its standard and uniqueness.

8. Dropping The Business Rate Of Other Companies
Apple’s IPhone 6 has crossed the line of best ever camera quality, as it gives you 240 frames per second. This extraordinary camera quality makes a clear decrease in the sale of some popular brands like Nikon, Cannon and sonny etc. And today Apple is at the top of the list with reference to best Smartphone camera quality.

7. No Fear Of Theft
Another remarkable promise by Apple is to make you tension free from any kind of data misuse. Now you need not to worry about your any data or payment, as Apple gives you a safe mode. Apple pay feature is an interesting attempt to make you fear less. If someone steels your phone then you can recover your payments record by just one click. Now you just take a picture of your credit card, connect it with your Smartphone and pay wherever you want.

6. Have Latest Market Strategies
Apple has the pride of making attractive and accessible product. All the other strong technology brands like Sony, LG, and Samsung failed to gain the height of reliability and innovation that Apple has. As Apple Ipad is the first real tablet introduced in market likewise, Apple Watch is also winning the race of latest advancement.

5. Effectively Bridge Technological Gaps
Effectively Bridge Technological Gaps
Although the introduction of Apple Glass did not get much appreciation but still Apple gives you more advanced and interactive technologies like Apple Watch. Apple Watch gets an excellent response and opens a new way toward advancement. So, Apple is launching more interesting ideas to attract more people towards its product, and helping the human world to grow better.

4. Innovations
Making Innovative Styles
Innovation and modernization are the top most qualities of Apple. Apple always comes up with some distinguished features. This brand always adds newness in the technological world; Apple Watch is the best example of its new and special product. This watch carries different actuators on its back that have wearer a tap when they receive a notification. This exceptional product is also connected to navigation app, Apple Maps, which gives you immediate direction whenever you need.

3. Making Strong Connections With Technology
Touch screen will be soon dominant and will extinct the keyboards. Now we can make strong and natural communication with the latest computer technology. The Apple Watch comes with a lot of exclusive features including, an internal gyroscope, an accelerometer and a heart rate monitor. All these unique looks given by Apple is helping you to connect more with the new technology and helps in turning the world as global village.

2. Connecting The World
The rapid advancement in technologically will soon give you one central controlling panel to control all the electrical appliances, doors and locks of your home. And you will able to control everything by a single touch and will be able to turn on your TV or radio with a single voice command. As Apple is doing effort to make a technology that will give you all control from an IPhone.

1. Offers Inductive Charging
Offers Inductive Charging
Today, we are experiencing the wireless internet connections and communication. Researchers are trying to make your world more wireless in the near future. However, one area in this wireless world that needs to promote is electricity.  Although we have stepped in the latest technological world with all the super advancement, but still you have to plug in your Smartphone for charging every day.
Apple solves this problem and serves you with inductive charger that has magnetic power to charge your phone automatically. It is not a micro –USB that you need to wiggle, you just need to hold it closer and then the magnets start their work